- gastroplasty
/gas"treuh plas'tee/, n.1. any plastic surgery on the stomach.[1945-50; GASTRO- + -PLASTY]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
gastroplasty — 1. Operative treatment of a defect in the stomach or the production of a gastric tube at the lower esophagus that uses the stomach wall for the reconstruction. 2. The producing of a staple line across the upper … Medical dictionary
gastroplasty — n. surgical alteration of the shape of the stomach without removal of any part. The term was originally used for correction of an acquired deformity, e.g. narrowing due to a peptic ulcer, but has more recently been applied to techniques for… … The new mediacal dictionary
gastroplasty — n. surgical treatment to decrease the size of the stomach to induce weight loss in the chronically obese … English contemporary dictionary
gastroplasty — /gas treuh plas tee/, n. 1. any plastic surgery on the stomach. 2. See gastric bypass. [1945 50; GASTRO + PLASTY] … Useful english dictionary
Vertical banded gastroplasty surgery — Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG), also known as Stomach stapling, has been the most common restrictive operation for weight control. Both a band and staples are used to create a small stomach pouch. In the bottom of the pouch is an… … Wikipedia
ring gastroplasty — a type of vertical banded gastroplasty in which the band is a plastic ring … Medical dictionary
vertical banded gastroplasty — see gastroplasty, stomach stapling … The new mediacal dictionary
Гастропластика (Gastroplasty) — хирургическое изменение формы желудка без удаления какой либо его части. Данный термин ранее использовался для обозначения коррекции какой либо приобретенной деформации желудка, например, его сужения в результате пептической язвы; однако в… … Медицинские термины
vertical banded gastroplasty — (VBG) a surgical treatment for morbid obesity consisting of the construction of a small pouch in the stomach that empties through a narrow stoma into the distal stomach and duodenum … Medical dictionary
ГАСТРОПЛАСТИКА — (gastroplasty) хирургическое изменение формы желудка без удаления какой либо его части. Данный термин ранее использовался для обозначения коррекции какой либо приобретенной деформации желудка, например, его сужения в результате пептической язвы;… … Толковый словарь по медицине