
/foor shet"/, n.
1. Anat. the fold of skin that forms the posterior margin of the vulva.
2. Ornith. furcula; wishbone.
3. Zool. the frog of an animal's foot.
4. a strip of leather or fabric joining the front and back sections of a glove finger.
5. Chiefly Bridge. a tenace.
[1745-55; < F, dim. of fourche; see FORK -ETTE]

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  • Fourchette — Four chette (f[=oo]r sh[e^]t ), n. [F., dim. of fourche. See {Fork}.] 1. A table fork. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) (a) A small fold of membrane, connecting the labia in the posterior part of the vulva. (b) The wishbone or furculum of birds. (c) The …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • fourchette — [foor shet′] n. [Fr, dim. of fourche: see FORK] 1. the side strip of a finger in a glove 2. Anat. a small fold of skin at the posterior end of the vulva …   English World dictionary

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