- fibrilliform
/fuy bril"euh fawrm', fi-/, adj.of the form of a fibril.[1840-50; FIBRILL(A) + -I- + -FORM]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
fibrilliform — shaped like a small fibre Shapes and Resemblance … Phrontistery dictionary
fibrilliform — fi·bril·li·form … English syllables
fibrilliform — /faɪˈbrɪləfɔm/ (say fuy briluhfawm), /fɪ / (say fi ) adjective of the form of a fibril …
fibrilliform — fīˈbriləˌfȯrm, fə̇ˈb adjective Etymology: New Latin fibrilla + English iform : resembling a fibril … Useful english dictionary
Shapes and Resemblance — This assortment of 370 adjectives all refer in some way to the form or shape of things. Some are more geometrically descriptive than others, while a number of terms refer to animal forms or shapes of obscure objects. Certain adjectives for shapes … Phrontistery dictionary
fibrous — adj threadlike, stringy, wiry, fibroid, filamentous, filamentary, filiform, fibrillar, fibrilliform, fibrillose … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
finespun — adj 1. sheer, delicate, fine, tissuey, flimsy, gauzy, gauzelike, cobwebby; light, filmy, diaphanous, transparent, translucent; gossamer, lacy, lacelike, filigree; filamentary, filamentous, filamented, fibriform, fibrillar, fibrilliform,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
threadlike — adj thready, fibrous, filamentous, fibri form, piliform, fibrillar, fibrilliform; stringy, wiry, ropy, attenuated, drawn out; fine, thin, slender, narrow; winding, twisting, meandering, circuitous, tortuous, sinuous … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder