engraver's trick
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engraver's trick — Heraldry. a conventional method of indicating a tincture, as by printing or carving without color. Also called herald s trick … Useful english dictionary
trick — tricker, n. trickingly, adv. /trik/, n. 1. a crafty or underhanded device, maneuver, stratagem, or the like, intended to deceive or cheat; artifice; ruse; wile. 2. an optical illusion: It must have been some visual trick caused by the flickering… … Universalium
herald's trick — Heraldry. See engraver s trick. * * * … Universalium
herald's trick — Heraldry. See engraver s trick … Useful english dictionary
caricature and cartoon — ▪ graphic arts Introduction in graphic art, comically distorted drawing or likeness, done with the purpose of satirizing or ridiculing its subject. Cartoons are used today primarily for conveying political commentary and editorial opinion… … Universalium
Charter of Virginia — JAMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, c. WHEREAS our loving and well disposed Subjects, Sir Thorn as Gales, and Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Clerk, Prebendary of… … Wikipedia
drawing — /draw ing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that draws. 2. a graphic representation by lines of an object or idea, as with a pencil; a delineation of form without reference to color. 3. a sketch, plan, or design, esp. one made with pen, pencil … Universalium
Tarot — The tarot (also known as tarocchi, tarock or similar names) is typically a set of seventy eight cards, comprised of twenty one trump cards, one Fool, and four suits of fourteen cards each ten pip and four face cards (one more face card per suit… … Wikipedia
Mantegna Tarocchi — Engraving no. 44: Sol (the sun) from the E series The Mantegna Tarocchi, also known as the Tarocchi Cards, Tarocchi in the style of Mantegna, Baldini Cards, are two different sets each of fifty 15th century Italian old master prints in engraving … Wikipedia
Гессле, Пер Хокан — Пер Гессле Per Gessle … Википедия