- eastward
/eest"weuhrd/, adv.adj.2. moving, bearing, facing, or situated toward the east.n.3. the eastward part, direction, or point.[bef. 850; ME estward, OE easteweard. See EAST, -WARD]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
eastward — eastward, eastwards The only form for the adjective is eastward (in an eastward direction), but eastward and eastwards are both used for the adverb, with a preference for eastwards in BrE: • Traffic snarled eastwards along Brompton Road at a… … Modern English usage
Eastward — East ward, Eastwards East wards, adv. Toward the east; in the direction of east from some point or place; as, New Haven lies eastward from New York. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eastward — [ēst′wərd] adv., adj. toward the east n. an eastward direction, point, or region … English World dictionary
eastward — O.E. eastwærde; see EAST (Cf. east) + WARD (Cf. ward) … Etymology dictionary
eastward — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ in an easterly direction. ► ADVERB (also eastwards) ▪ towards the east. DERIVATIVES eastwardly adjective & adverb … English terms dictionary
eastward — [[t]i͟ːstwə(r)d[/t]] ADV: ADV after v (The form eastwards is also used.) Eastward or eastwards means towards the east. A powerful snow storm is moving eastward... They were pressing on eastwards towards the city s small airfield. Syn: east ADJ… … English dictionary
eastward — east|ward1 [ istwərd ] adverb toward the east: traveling eastward on the highway eastward east|ward 2 [ istwərd ] adjective toward or in the east: a long eastward journey … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
eastward — I. adverb or adjective Date: before 12th century toward the east • eastwards adverb II. noun Date: 1582 eastward direction or part < sail to the eastward > … New Collegiate Dictionary
eastward — adj. Eastward is used with these nouns: ↑expansion … Collocations dictionary
eastward — adjective in an easterly direction. adverb (also eastwards) towards the east. noun (the eastward) the direction or region to the east. Derivatives eastwardly adjective & adverb … English new terms dictionary