drag bunt
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drag bunt — drag′ bunt n. spo baseball a bunt made by a batter while in motion toward first base, usu. in an attempt to get a hit • Etymology: 1930–35, amer … From formal English to slang
drag bunt — n. Baseball a bunt made for a base hit without fully facing the pitcher, but while moving toward first base … English World dictionary
drag bunt — 1. noun a) A ball that has been hit by a batter who started to run towards first base while holding the bat back over the plate, typically in an attempt to get a hit rather than to sacrifice Jones fielded the drag bunt, but the runner beat out… … Wiktionary
drag bunt — noun : a slow bunt made by pulling the bat back at the moment of impact and without being squared around toward the pitcher * * * Baseball. an in motion bunt for a base hit usually attempted by a left handed batter, who starts for first base… … Useful english dictionary
drag bunt — noun Date: circa 1949 a bunt in baseball made by a left handed batter by trailing the bat while moving toward first base; broadly a bunt made with the object of getting on base safely rather than sacrificing … New Collegiate Dictionary
drag — [drag] vt. dragged, dragging [ME draggen < ON draga (or OE dragan): see DRAW] 1. to pull or draw with force or effort, esp. along the ground; haul 2. a) to move (oneself) with effort b) to force into some situation, action, etc … English World dictionary
Bunt (baseball) — A Little League baseball player squares around to bunt. A bunt is a special type of offensive technique in baseball or fastpitch softball. In a bunt play, the batter loosely holds the bat in front of the plate and intentionally taps the ball into … Wikipedia
drag — I. noun Etymology: Middle English dragge, probably from Middle Low German draggen grapnel; akin to Old English dragan to draw more at draw Date: 14th century 1. something used to drag with; especially a device for dragging under water to detect… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Drag Boat — Racing ist eine Art Dragsterrennen auf dem Wasser. Wie bei üblichen Dragsterrennen auf Land wird auch hier auf eine bestimmte Distanz (1/4 Meile) gefahren, jedoch mit fliegendem Start. Der Höhepunkt der Saison sind jedes Jahr die IHBA World… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Drag Boat Racing — ist eine Art Dragsterrennen auf dem Wasser. Wie bei üblichen Dragsterrennen auf Land wird auch hier auf eine bestimmte Distanz (1/4 Meile) gefahren, jedoch mit fliegendem Start. Der Höhepunkt der Saison sind jedes Jahr die IHBA World Finals in… … Deutsch Wikipedia