
/dow"gahf peels'/, n.
a city in SE Latvia, on the Dvina. 128,200. German, Dünaburg. Russian, Dvinsk.

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German  Dünaburg,  Russian  (formerly) Dvinsk,  

      city, southeastern Latvia. It lies along the Western Dvina (Daugava) River. In the 1270s the Brothers of the Sword, a branch of the Teutonic Knights, founded the fortress of Dünaburg, 12 miles (19 km) above the modern site. The fortress and adjoining town were destroyed, and then refounded on the present location, by Ivan IV the Terrible during the Livonian wars in the 1570s. The end of the Livonian wars saw Dünaburg in Polish possession, and its fortress was rebuilt and strengthened in 1582. Although it was the centre of the province of Latgalia, the town remained of minor importance. It passed to Russia by the First Partition of Poland in 1772. Although strongly fortified in 1811, it fell to Napoleon I the following year. The construction of the St. PetersburgWarsaw railway in 186162 and of the Orel-Riga railway in 186166 greatly stimulated the town's growth. Much damage occurred in World War I, when the front line lay on the Western Dvina, and again in World War II, when the city was in German hands.

      Modern Daugavpils is a major rail and road junction, with large locomotive and rollingstock repair shops. Its industries produce electrical instruments, bicycles, synthetic fibre, tire cord, linen, furniture, footwear, and foodstuffs. Daugavpils has a branch of the Riga Polytechnic Institute. Pop. (1991 est.) 129,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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