secular affairs

  • 1Secular Jewish culture — embraces several related phenomena; above all, it is the culture of secular communities of Jewish people, but it can also include the cultural contributions of individuals who identify as secular Jews, or even those of religious Jews working in… …


  • 2Secular humanism — is a humanist philosophy that upholds reason, ethics and justice, and specifically rejects the supernatural and the spiritual as the basis of moral reflection and decision making. Like other types of humanism, secular humanism is a life stance… …


  • 3Secular state — A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state or country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion.[1] A secular state also claims to treat all its citizens equally… …


  • 4secular — adj. & n. adj. 1 concerned with the affairs of this world; not spiritual or sacred. 2 (of education etc.) not concerned with religion or religious belief. 3 a not ecclesiastical or monastic. b (of clergy) not bound by a religious rule. 4… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 5secular — Not spiritual; not ecclesiastical; relating to affairs of the present (temporal) world …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 6secular business — As used in Sunday closing laws, this term includes all forms of activity in the business affairs of life, the prosecution of a trade or employment, and commercial dealings, such as the making of promissory notes, lending money, and the like …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 7ECONOMIC AFFAIRS — THE PRE MANDATE (LATE OTTOMAN) PERIOD Geography and Borders In September 1923 a new political entity was formally recognized by the international community. Palestine, or Ereẓ Israel as Jews have continued to refer to it for 2,000 years,… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 8Toronto Secular Alliance — The Toronto Secular Alliance (TSA) was a citywide secularist organization which began as a student organization based at the University of Toronto. The organization is now known as the Freethought Association of Canada (FAC). Its purpose is to… …


  • 9Military Affairs — ▪ 2009 Introduction        Russia and Georgia fought a short, intense war in 2008, fueling global fears of a new Cold War. On August 7 Georgia launched an aerial bombardment and ground attacks against its breakaway province of South Ossetia.… …


  • 10Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs — The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs is an interdisciplinary academic center at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and is considered a global leader in the study of religion and world affairs. Originally conceived as… …
