irrational enthusiasm

  • 1irrational — ir|ra|tion|al [ ı ræʃənl ] adjective done or happening without clear or sensible reasons: irrational violence/fear/panic The market s enthusiasm for high tech stocks was irrational but understandable. a. not thinking or behaving in a clear… …

    Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • 2irrational — UK [ɪˈræʃ(ə)nəl] / US [ɪˈræʃən(ə)l] adjective a) done or happening without clear or sensible reasons irrational violence/fear/panic The market s enthusiasm for high tech stocks was irrational but understandable. b) not thinking or behaving in a… …

    English dictionary

  • 3fashion — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Prevailing mode Nouns 1. fashion, style, [bon] ton, society; good society, polite society; drawing room, civilized life, civilization; town; haut or beau monde, high life, court; world; haute couture,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 4fashion — [fash′ən] n. [ME fasoun < OFr faceon < L factio, a making: see FACTION1] 1. the make, form, or shape of a thing 2. Now Rare kind; sort 3. the way in which something is made or done; manner 4. the current style or mode of dress, speech,… …

    English World dictionary

  • 5fanaticism — n. Religious frenzy, irrational enthusiasm, rabid zeal …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 6philosophy, Western — Introduction       history of Western philosophy from its development among the ancient Greeks to the present.       This article has three basic purposes: (1) to provide an overview of the history of philosophy in the West, (2) to relate… …


  • 7painting, Western — ▪ art Introduction       history of Western painting from its beginnings in prehistoric times to the present.       Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment (but see also drawing for discussion of depictions in …


  • 8Christianity — /kris chee an i tee/, n., pl. Christianities. 1. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2. Christian beliefs or practices; Christian quality or character: Christianity mixed with pagan elements; …


  • 9mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… …


  • 10international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… …
