highly finished
1finished — [fin′isht] adj. 1. ended; concluded 2. completed 3. highly skilled or polished; perfected; accomplished 4. given a certain kind of finish or surface, as of paint, wax, etc. 5. defeated, ruined, dying, etc. ☆ 6. done with a task, activity, or… …
2highly — high|ly W2S2 [ˈhaıli] adv 1.) [+ adjective, adverb] very highly successful/effective/efficient ▪ a highly successful politician ▪ Tom s mother was highly critical of the school s approach. ▪ highly competitive industries ▪ a highly desirable… …
3highly — high|ly [ haıli ] adverb *** 1. ) used before some adjectives to mean very or very well : Williams is a highly competitive player who hates losing. I think it s highly unlikely that the project will be finished on time. a highly motivated… …
4finished — /fin isht/, adj. 1. ended or completed. 2. completed or perfected in all details, as a product: to pack and ship finished items. 3. polished to the highest degree of excellence: a dazzling and finished piece of writing. 4. highly skilled or… …
5highly*/*/*/ — [ˈhaɪli] adv 1) used before some adjectives to mean ‘very , or ‘very well It now seems highly unlikely that the project will be finished on time.[/ex] She s a highly educated young woman.[/ex] 2) used for saying that someone or something is very… …
6finished — /ˈfɪnɪʃt/ (say finisht) adjective 1. ended or completed. 2. completed or perfected in all details, as a product. 3. polished to the highest degree of excellence: a finished poem. 4. highly accomplished, as a person. 5. Colloquial (of a person)… …
7finished — a. 1. Completed, complete, perfect. 2. Polished, perfected, elegant, highly wrought. 3. Experienced, practised, qualified, accomplished, thorough bred, able, proficient …
8finished — adj 1. ended, completed, played out, Inf. over with, done; fulfilled, realized, achieved, accomplished; settled, resolved, terminated; concluded, closed, clinched, clenched, sealed; perfected, consummated, culminated, rounded off; crowned, topped …
9finished — fin•ished [[t]ˈfɪn ɪʃt[/t]] adj. 1) polished to the highest degree of excellence 2) highly skilled 3) condemned, doomed • Etymology: 1575–85 …
10painting, Western — ▪ art Introduction history of Western painting from its beginnings in prehistoric times to the present. Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment (but see also drawing for discussion of depictions in …