
  • 71List of birds of Cambodia — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Cambodia. The avifauna of Cambodia includes a total of 553 species, of which 2 have been introduced by humans. 25 species are globally threatened.This list s taxonomic treatment (designation and… …


  • 72List of birds of Malaysia — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Malaysia. The avifauna of Malaysia includes a total of 781 species, of which 10 are endemic, 3 have been introduced by humans, and 10 are rare or accidental. 45 species are globally threatened.This… …


  • 73List of birds of Brunei — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Brunei. The avifauna of Brunei includes a total of 456 species, of which 4 are endemic, 1 has been introduced by humans, and 1 is rare or accidental. 25 species are globally threatened.This list s… …


  • 74List of birds of Laos — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Laos. The avifauna of Laos includes a total of 701 species, of which 2 have been introduced by humans, and 8 are rare or accidental. 25 species are globally threatened.This list s taxonomic treatment …


  • 75List of birds of the Philippines — This is a list of the bird species recorded in the Philippines. The avifauna of the Philippines includes a total of 612 species, of which 194 are endemic, 3 have been introduced by humans, and 52 are rare or accidental. 67 species are globally… …


  • 76List of birds of Papua New Guinea — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Papua New Guinea. The avifauna of Papua New Guinea includes a total of 781 species, of which 76 are endemic, one has been introduced by humans, and 18 are rare or accidental. 28 species are globally… …


  • 77yawn — /yawn/, v.i. 1. to open the mouth somewhat involuntarily with a prolonged, deep inhalation and sighing or heavy exhalation, as from drowsiness or boredom. 2. to open wide like a mouth. 3. to extend or stretch wide, as an open and deep space. v.t …


  • 78yawn — {{11}}yawn (n.) act of yawning, 1690s, from YAWN (Cf. yawn) (v.). Meaning boring thing is attested from 1889. {{12}}yawn (v.) c.1300, yenen, yonen, from O.E. ginian, gionian open the mouth wide, gape, from P.Gmc. *gin (Cf. O.N. gina to yawn, Du.… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 79gaze — gazeless, adj. gazer, n. gazingly, adv. /gayz/, v., gazed, gazing, n. v.i. 1. to look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity, interest, pleasure, or wonder. n. 2. a steady or intent look. 3. at gaze, Heraldry. (of a deer or deerlike… …


  • 80bivalve — bivalvular /buy val vyeuh leuhr/, adj. /buy valv /, n. 1. Also called lamellibranch. Zool. any mollusk, as the oyster, clam, scallop, or mussel, of the class Bivalvia, having two shells hinged together, a soft body, and lamellate gills. adj. 2.… …
