Present or gift

  • 1present — [prez′ənt; ] for v. [ prē zent′, prizent′] adj. [OFr < L praesens, prp. of praeesse, to be present < prae , before (see PRE ) + esse, to be (see ESSENCE)] 1. a) being at the specified or understood place; at hand; in attendance b) existing… …

    English World dictionary

  • 2gift — [gift] n. [ME < OE, portion, wedding gift (< giefan: see GIVE) & ON gift, gift (< gefa, akin to GIVE), akin to Ger gift, poison] 1. something given to show friendship, affection, support, etc.; present 2. the act, power, or right of… …

    English World dictionary

  • 3gift-wrapped — UK [ˈɡɪft ˌræpt] US [ˈɡɪftˌræpt] adjective covered in attractive paper to be given as a present a gift wrapped birthday present Thesaurus: covered with a specific substancehyponym to cover something with a specific substancesynonym Derived Word …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 4gift-wrap — also gift wrappast tense and past participle gift wrapped present participle gift wrapping v [T] to wrap a present with gift wrap, especially in a shop ▪ Would you like that gift wrapped, sir? …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 5gift-wrap — also gift wrappast tense and past participle gift wrapped present participle gift wrapping v [T] to wrap a present with gift wrap, especially in a shop ▪ Would you like that gift wrapped, sir? …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 6gift-wrapped — [ gıft,ræpt ] adjective covered in attractive paper to be given as a present: a gift wrapped birthday present ╾ gift wrap verb transitive …

    Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • 7present — [adj1] existing; at this time ad hoc, already, at this moment, begun, being, coeval, commenced, contemporaneous, contemporary, current, even now, existent, extant, for the time being, going on, immediate, in duration, in process, instant, just… …

    New thesaurus

  • 8present# — present n *gift, gratuity, favor, boon, largess Analogous words: contribution, *donation, benefaction: grant, subvention (see APPROPRIATION) present vb 1 *give, bestow, confer, donate, afford Analogous words: * …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 9present — present1 presentness, n. /prez euhnt/, adj. 1. being, existing, or occurring at this time or now; current: the present ruler. 2. at this time; at hand; immediate: articles for present use. 3. Gram. a. noting an action or state occurring at the… …


  • 10present — I 1. adjective 1) a doctor must be present at the ringside Syn: in attendance, here, there, near, nearby, (close/near) at hand, available Ant: absent 2) organic compounds are present in the waste Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words