
/kwer'neuh vah"keuh/; Sp. /kwerdd'nah vah"kah/, n.
a city in and the capital of Morelos, in central Mexico. 357,600.

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City (pop., 2000: 327,162), capital of Morelos state, south-central Mexico.

As the capital city of the Tlahuica Indians, it was known as Cuauhnáhuac. The name was changed (с 1521) when it was taken by Hernán Cortés; his palace, now the Morelos State House (decorated with murals by painter Diego Rivera), is located there. Nearby are pre-Columbian ruins. A favourite retreat of the emperor Maximilian, the area is still popular with tourists. The University of Morelos was established there in 1953.

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 city, capital of Morelos estado (state), south-central Mexico. It is located in the Valley of Morelos, some 40 miles (65 km) south of Mexico City, at an elevation of about 5,000 feet (1,500 metres). Cuernavaca, which translates as “cow horn,” is a Spanish corruption of the indigenous name Cuauhnáhuac (“Place Near the Forest”). Hernán Cortés (Cortés, Hernán, marqués del Valle de Oaxaca) captured Cuernavaca in 1521, and it subsequently became a colonial administrative centre.

      Cuernavaca is known as the City of Eternal Spring because of its temperate climate and the profusion of flowering plants in its parks and gardens. It has long been favoured by Mexico's ruling elites, who have maintained manor houses (quintas) in exclusive Cuernavaca neighbourhoods, spending weekends or vacations there to escape the poor weather and pollution of Mexico City.

      Cuernavaca's economy depends on a mixture of services and manufacturing, but some employment is still generated by agriculture in the valley, including sugarcane, corn (maize), beans, and tropical fruits. Floriculture and beekeeping are also important. Manufactures include processed foods, pharmaceuticals, clothing, textiles, and automobiles. The primary tourist attractions include the Morelos State Museum (1929), housed in the 16th-century palace of Cortés and decorated with murals by Diego Rivera (Rivera, Diego); the San Francisco Cathedral (begun in 1529); the extensive 18th-century gardens of the silver baron Don José de la Borda; and the pre-Columbian ruins of Teopanzolco. Cuernavaca is the site of the Autonomous University of Morelos State (1953). The city is linked with Mexico City by a toll highway and has a regional airport. Pop. (2000) city, 327,162; urban agglom., 738,826.

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