crown land

crown land
1. land belonging to the crown, the revenue of which goes to the reigning sovereign.
2. Also, crownland. one of the administrative divisions of the former empire of Austria-Hungary.

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British land tenure
      in Great Britain, land owned by the crown, the income from which has been, since the reign of George III (17601820), surrendered to Parliament in return for a fixed Civil List, an agreed sum provided annually for the maintenance of the sovereign's expenses. In Anglo-Saxon times the king's personal lands were differentiated from those held by the crown as such, but after the Norman Conquest (1066) they became merged as the estates of the crown, over which he had full power of disposal. Because the king was the feudal overlord, his lands were increased from time to time by estates forfeited by convicted rebels or escheating from lack of heirs. Management of crown lands is now entrusted to the commissioners of crown lands, who have statutory powers with regard to leasing, selling, or exchanging estates.

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  • crown land — n. 1. land owned by the crown, the income from which (or, in Britain, a fixed payment by Parliament in place of it) goes to the reigning monarch 2. land under control of the government in certain countries and colonies of the Commonwealth …   English World dictionary

  • crown land — crown′ land n. gov land belonging to the crown, the revenues from which go to the reigning sovereign • Etymology: 1615–25 …   From formal English to slang

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  • crown land — noun Date: 1613 1. land belonging to the crown and yielding revenues that the reigning sovereign is entitled to 2. public land in some British dominions or colonies …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Crown land — /kraʊn ˈlænd/ (say krown land) noun (sometimes lower case) land belonging to the government …  

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