
/kroch"wood'/, n.
wood from a tree crotch, characterized by a swirling, irregular figure and used for furniture and veneers. Also called crotch.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • crotchwood — /kroch wood /, n. wood from a tree crotch, characterized by a swirling, irregular figure and used for furniture and veneers. Also called crotch. [CROTCH + WOOD1] …   Useful english dictionary

  • crotch — crotched /krotcht/, adj. /kroch/, n. 1. a forking or place of forking, as of the human body between the legs. 2. the part of a pair of trousers, panties, or the like, formed by the joining of the two legs. 3. a piece of material serving to form a …   Universalium

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