- crocus sack
[1780-90; orig. uncert.]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
crocus sack — Southern U.S. (chiefly South Atlantic States). a burlap bag. Also called crocus bag, croker sack. [1780 90; orig. uncert.] Regional Variation. See gunnysack. * * * crocus sack or crocus bag, a sack or bag made of crocus. ╂[origin unknown] … Useful english dictionary
crocus sack — Gunny Gun ny (g[u^]n n[y^]), n., Gunny cloth Gun ny cloth (kl[o^]th ; 115). [Hind. go[.n], go[.n][imac], a sack, sacking.] A strong, coarse kind of sacking, made from the fibers (called jute) of two plants of the genus {Corchorus} ({C. olitorius} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crocus bag — crocus sack or crocus bag, a sack or bag made of crocus. ╂[origin unknown] … Useful english dictionary
crocus bag — Rasta Dictionary a very large sack made of coarse cloth, like burlap … English dialects glossary
croker sack — ˈkrōkə(r) noun Etymology: alteration of crocus (II) chiefly South : a sack made of crocus : a burlap bag * * * /kroh keuhr/. Southern U.S. (chiefly Gulf States). a crocus sack. Also called croker bag. [1875 80; croker, alter. of CROCUS] Regional… … Useful english dictionary
croker sack — ☆ croker sack [krō′kəskrō′kər ] n. [altered < crocus sack < crocus, a coarse fabric (< ?) + SACK1] South a bag made of burlap or similar material: also crocus sack [krō′kəs] … English World dictionary
croker sack — noun Etymology: alteration of crocus sack, crocus bag, of unknown origin Date: 1895 chiefly Southern a sack of a coarse material (as burlap) … New Collegiate Dictionary
croker sack — Gunny Gun ny (g[u^]n n[y^]), n., Gunny cloth Gun ny cloth (kl[o^]th ; 115). [Hind. go[.n], go[.n][imac], a sack, sacking.] A strong, coarse kind of sacking, made from the fibers (called jute) of two plants of the genus {Corchorus} ({C. olitorius} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grass sack — Gunny Gun ny (g[u^]n n[y^]), n., Gunny cloth Gun ny cloth (kl[o^]th ; 115). [Hind. go[.n], go[.n][imac], a sack, sacking.] A strong, coarse kind of sacking, made from the fibers (called jute) of two plants of the genus {Corchorus} ({C. olitorius} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gunny sack — Gunny Gun ny (g[u^]n n[y^]), n., Gunny cloth Gun ny cloth (kl[o^]th ; 115). [Hind. go[.n], go[.n][imac], a sack, sacking.] A strong, coarse kind of sacking, made from the fibers (called jute) of two plants of the genus {Corchorus} ({C. olitorius} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English