
/krin"l in/, n.
1. a petticoat of haircloth or other stiff material, worn under a full skirt to keep it belled out.
2. a stiff, coarse cotton material for interlining.
3. a hoop skirt.
4. a reinforcement of iron straps for holding together brickwork, as of a furnace or chimney.
[1820-30; < F < It crinolino, equiv. to crino horse-hair ( L crinis hair) + lino flax < L linum; cf. LINEN]

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 originally, a petticoat made of horsehair fabric, a popular fashion in the late 1840s that took its name from the French word crin (“horsehair”). In 1856 horsehair and whalebone were replaced by a light frame of metal spring hoops; these were used to create volume underneath the hoop skirts (hoop skirt) favoured by fashionable women. The wide, bell-shaped crinoline was much lighter than the previous fashion of multiple petticoats and recalled an earlier but similar device known as the farthingale, in which hoops were sewn into a petticoat.

      In the late 1850s and early 1860s, the spring hoop crinoline became so popular that it was worn by ladies' maids and factory girls as well as by the rich. Originating as a dome shape in the 1850s, the crinoline was altered to a pyramid in the 1860s, and about 1865 it became almost flat in front. Smallerwalkingskirts were devised, and by 1868 the smaller crinolette was hooped only at the back and served as a bustle. The crinoline was generally out of fashion by 1878.

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  • crinoline — [ krinɔlin ] n. f. • 1829; it. crinolino, de crino « crin » et lino « lin » 1 ♦ Vx Étoffe à trame de crin. 2 ♦ Par ext. (1856) Armature de baleines et de cercles d acier flexibles, que les femmes portaient sous leur jupe pour la faire bouffer. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • crinoline — 1830, from Fr. crinoline hair cloth (19c.), from It. crinolino, from crino horsehair (from L. crinis hair ) + lino flax, thread, from L. linum (see LINEN (Cf. linen)). So called from the warp and woof fibers of the original mixture …   Etymology dictionary

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