
/krap/, n., v., crapped, crapping.
1. Vulgar.
a. excrement.
b. an act of defecation.
2. Slang (sometimes vulgar).
a. nonsense; drivel.
b. falsehood, exaggeration, propaganda, or the like.
3. refuse; rubbish; junk; litter: Will you clean up that crap!
4. Vulgar. to defecate.
5. Slang (sometimes vulgar). to talk nonsense to; attempt to deceive.
6. crap around, Slang (sometimes vulgar).
a. to behave in a foolish or silly manner.
b. to avoid work.
7. crap on, Slang (sometimes vulgar).
a. to treat badly, esp. by humiliating, insulting, or slighting.
b. to cause misery, misfortune, or discomfort.
8. crap up, Slang (sometimes vulgar). to botch, ruin, or cheapen; make a mess of.
[1375-1425; late ME crap chaff < MD (not recorded until 16th century) krappe anything cut off or separated]
/krap/, n. v., crapped, crapping.
1. (in craps) a losing throw, in which the total on the two dice is 2, 3, or 12.
2. craps.
3. crap out,
a. Also called seven out. (in the game of craps) to throw a 7 rather than make one's point.
b. Slang. to abandon a project, activity, etc., because of fear, cowardice, exhaustion, loss of enthusiasm, etc.
c. Slang. to break a promise or fail to fulfill a duty or obligation; renege.
[1835-45, Amer.; back formation from CRAPS]

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  • Crap — (kr[a^]p), n. 1. In the game of craps, a first throw of the dice in which the total is two, three, or twelve, in which case the caster loses. Also called {craps}. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC] 2. same as {excrement} and {feces}. [vulgar] Syn: shit.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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