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  • constructible — [ kɔ̃stryktibl ] adj. • 1863; du rad. du lat. constructum, de construere 1 ♦ Où l on a le droit de construire un édifice. Terrain constructible. 2 ♦ Géom. Qui peut être tracé à la règle et au compas (en parlant d une figure). Droite, polygone… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Constructible — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. On qualifie de constructible une chose qui peut être construite ou qui peut accueillir une construction (matérielle ou non). En urbanisme, on parle d un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Constructible number — For numbers constructible in the sense of set theory, see Constructible universe. A point in the Euclidean plane is a constructible point if, given a fixed coordinate system (or a fixed line segment of unit length), the point can be constructed… …   Wikipedia

  • Constructible universe — Gödel universe redirects here. For Kurt Gödel s cosmological solution to the Einstein field equations, see Gödel metric. In mathematics, the constructible universe (or Gödel s constructible universe), denoted L, is a particular class of sets… …   Wikipedia

  • Constructible function — In complexity theory, a time constructible function is a function f from natural numbers to natural numbers with the property that f(n) can be constructed from n by a Turing machine in the time of order f(n). The purpose of such a definition is… …   Wikipedia

  • Constructible set (topology) — For a Gödel constructive set, see constructible universe. In topology, a constructible set in a noetherian topological space is a finite union of locally closed sets. (A set is locally closed if it is the intersection of an open set and closed… …   Wikipedia

  • Constructible polygon — Construction of a regular pentagon In mathematics, a constructible polygon is a regular polygon that can be constructed with compass and straightedge. For example, a regular pentagon is constructible with compass and straightedge while a regular… …   Wikipedia

  • Constructible sheaf — In mathematics, a constructible sheaf is a sheaf of abelian groups over some topological space X, such that X is the union of a finite number of locally closed subsets on each of which the sheaf is a twisted constant sheaf. It is a generalization …   Wikipedia

  • Constructible topology — In commutative algebra, the constructible topology on the spectrum of a commutative ring A is a topology where each closed set is the image of in for some algebra B over A. An important feature of this construction is that the map …   Wikipedia

  • Constructible strategy game — A constructible strategy game (or CSG; also spelled constructable strategy game ) is a tabletop strategy game employing pieces assembled from components. WizKids was the first to label a game as a CSG when they released their game Pirates of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Constructible set — In mathematics, constructible set may refer to either: a notion in Gödel s constructible universe. a union of locally closed set in a topological space. See constructible set (topology). This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the …   Wikipedia

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