
/koohs"koohs/, n.
a North African dish consisting of steamed semolina, served with vegetables and meat.
[1590-1600; < F < Ar kuskus, kuskusu /em> Berber seksu]

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      North African dish of semolina and accompanying foods. The semolina grains (the endosperm of Durum wheat) are prepared in a couscousière, a large covered pot with a lower compartment in which a stew or broth cooks and an upper portion with a pierced bottom in which the couscous steams. The grains must be sprinkled with liquid, stirred to separate the clumps, and steamed several times. While the grain is steaming, a stew of lamb, chicken, chickpeas, and vegetables cooks in the lower portion of the pot. The couscous and stew are eaten with harissa, a fiery sauce of red pepper and other spices. Alternatively, couscous can be eaten as a sweet dish with fruits and milk or as a breakfast porridge.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • couscous — 1. couscous [ kuskus ] n. m. • 1649; coscosson 1534; ar. kouskous 1 ♦ Semoule de blé dur. Fam. Pédaler dans le couscous. 2 ♦ Plat originaire du Maghreb, composé de semoule roulée en grains, servie avec de la viande ou du poisson, des légumes et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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