- counter
/kown"teuhr/, n.1. a table or display case on which goods can be shown, business transacted, etc.2. (in restaurants, luncheonettes, etc.) a long, narrow table with stools or chairs along one side for the patrons, behind which refreshments or meals are prepared and served.3. a surface for the preparation of food in a kitchen, esp. on a low cabinet.4. anything used in keeping account, as a disk of metal or wood, used in some games, as checkers, for marking a player's position or for keeping score.5. an imitation coin or token.6. a coin; money.7. over the counter,a. (of the sale of stock) through a broker's office rather than through the stock exchange.b. (of the sale of merchandise) through a retail store rather than through a wholesaler.8. under the counter, in a clandestine manner, esp. illegally: books sold under the counter.[1300-50; ME countour < AF (OF comptoir) < ML computatorium place for computing, equiv. to L computa(re) to COMPUTE + -torium -TORY2; cf. COUNT1]counter2/kown"teuhr/, n.1. a person who counts.2. a device for counting revolutions of a wheel, items produced, etc.4. Computers. a storage register or program variable used to tally how often something of interest occurs.6. Physics. any of various instruments for detecting ionizing radiation and for registering counts. Cf. Geiger counter.counter3/kown"teuhr/, adv.1. in the wrong way; contrary to the right course; in the reverse or opposite direction.adj.3. opposite; opposed; contrary.n.4. something that is opposite or contrary to something else.5. a blow delivered in receiving or parrying another blow, as in boxing.6. a statement or action made to refute, oppose, or nullify another statement or action.7. Fencing. a circular parry.8. a piece of leather or other material inserted between the lining and outside leather of a shoe or boot quarter to keep it stiff.9. Naut. the part of a stern that overhangs and projects aft of the sternpost of a vessel.10. Also called void. Typesetting. any part of the face of a type that is less than type-high and is therefore not inked.11. Engin., Building Trades. a truss member subject to stress only under certain partial loadings of the truss.12. the part of a horse's breast that lies between the shoulders and under the neck.v.t.13. to go counter to; oppose; controvert.v.i.15. to make a counter or opposing move.16. to give a blow while receiving or parrying one, as in boxing.[1400-50; late ME countre < AF co(u)ntre, cuntre, OF contre < L contra against. See COUNTER-]counter4/kown"teuhr/, v.t.to encounter in opposition or combat.[1250-1300; ME countren, aph. var. of acountren < MF acontrer. See A-5, ENCOUNTER]
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(as used in expressions)Geiger Müller counterover the counter market* * *
Universalium. 2010.