Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi
/kawr"peuhs kris"tee, -tuy/, Rom. Cath. Ch.
a festival in honor of the Eucharist, celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday.
[1325-75; ME < ML: lit., body of Christ]
/kawr"peuhs kris"tee/
a seaport in S Texas. 231,999.

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City (pop., 2000: 277,454) and port on Corpus Christi Bay, southern Texas.

Founded in 1838 as a trading post, it was the scene of Mexican War operations and American Civil War skirmishes. The arrival of the railroad in 1881 stimulated a land boom. The exploitation of gas (1923), development of a deepwater port (1926), and discovery of the Saxtet oil field (1939) laid the city's economic foundation. Resort facilities are based on the bay and the coastal barrier islands, including Padre Island. It is also the site of the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station.

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 city, seat (1846) of Nueces county, southern Texas, U.S., port on Corpus Christi Bay at the mouth of the Nueces River, 145 miles (233 km) southeast of San Antonio. It is sheltered from the Gulf of Mexico (Mexico, Gulf of) by Mustang and Padre (Padre Island) islands.

      Originally inhabited by Karankawa and other Native American peoples, it was founded as a trading post in 1839 by Colonel Henry L. Kinney and named in 1846 after the bay. It was the scene of Mexican War operations and American Civil War blockade skirmishes. The arrival of railroads in 18811909 stimulated a land boom. The exploitation of gas (1923), the development of a deepwater port (1926), and the discovery of the Saxtet oil field (1939) laid the economic foundation for a modern city.

      The port, on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, handles bulk cargoes, including grain, cotton, ores, petroleum, and raw materials. The city's economy also embraces petrochemicals, aluminum, glass, agriculture, the seafood industry, and tourism. Resort facilities, mostly fishing and water sports, are based on the bay and the coastal barrier islands, including the Padre Island National Seashore, stretching 113 miles (182 km) southward almost to Brownsville. The huge Corpus Christi Naval Air Station (1941) and an army depot also contribute to the economy. The city is the home of Texas A&M UniversityCorpus Christi (1947) and Del Mar (community) College (1935). Other cultural institutions include the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History, the Art Museum of South Texas (with a building designed by architect Philip Johnson (Johnson, Philip C.)), and numerous small theatres and galleries. The city hosts several musical and cultural festivals throughout the year. Inc. 1852. Pop. (2000) city, 277,454; Corpus Christi MSA, 380,783; (2006 est.) city, 285,267; Corpus Christi MSA, 415,810.

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Universalium. 2010.

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