corporative — 1833, from L.L. corporativus pertaining to the forming of a body, from pp. stem of corporare (see CORPORATE (Cf. corporate)) … Etymology dictionary
corporative — [kôr′pə rā΄tiv, kôr′pərə tiv΄] adj. [LL corporativus] 1. of or connected with a corporation 2. designating or of a state, as theoretically Italy under Fascism (1924 1943), in which political and economic power is vested in an organization of… … English World dictionary
corporative — ● corporatif, corporative adjectif (de corporation) Qui concerne les corporations, les corps de métiers : Organisation corporative … Encyclopédie Universelle
corporative — adjective Date: 1833 1. of or relating to a corporation 2. of or relating to corporatism < a corporative state > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Corporative — Corporation Une corporation, dont le mot vient du latin corporari (se former en corps), ou plus exactement un corps, est une personne morale, en générale de droit public, instituée par une loi. Ses « membres » sont toutes des personnes… … Wikipédia en Français
Corporative federalism — Corporative federalism, not to be confused with the cooperative federalism of the (U.S. s 1933 1936) New Deal, is a system of federalism not based on the common federalist idea of relative land area or nearest spheres of influence for governance … Wikipedia
corporative state — corporative state, a state in which the chief economic activities, such as banking and the principal industries, are each controlled through one corporate body, composed in turn of representatives from the various corporations: »the Italian… … Useful english dictionary
Corporative Goods Price Index — Сorporative Goods Price Index Индекс цен на корпоративные товары Словарь терминов и сокращений рынка forex, Forex EuroClub … Финансовый словарь
Corporative Chamber — The Corporative Chamber (in Portuguese Câmara Corporativa) was one of the two parliamentary chambers established under the Portuguese Constitution of 1933, the other being the National Assembly. Unlike the directly elected National Assembly, it… … Wikipedia
corporative — adj. relating to a corporation, of an association of individuals legally authorized to act as an individual (Business) cor·po·ra·tive || kÉ”rpÉ™rɪəltɪv / kÉ”ËpÉ”Ër … English contemporary dictionary