Connors,James Scott

Connors,James Scott
Con·nors (kŏnʹərz), James Scott. Known as “Jimmy.” Born 1952.
American tennis player who twice won both the U.S. and Wimbledon men's singles titles (1974 and 1982) and also won the U.S. title in 1976, 1978, and 1983.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • James Scott Connors — Jimmy Connors Nationalität:  Vereinigte Staaten Geburtstag: 2. September 1952 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • James Scott Connors — noun outstanding United States tennis player (born in 1952) • Syn: ↑Connors, ↑Jimmy Conors • Instance Hypernyms: ↑tennis player …   Useful english dictionary

  • James Connors — Jimmy Connors Nationalität:  Vereinigte Staaten Geburtstag: 2. September 1952 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Connors, Jimmy — in full James Scott Connors born Sept. 2, 1952, East St. Louis, Ill., U.S. U.S. tennis player. In 1974 he won three grand slam tournaments (U.S. Open, Australian Open, and Wimbledon) but was barred from the French Open because he had joined World …   Universalium

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  • Connors, Jimmy — p. ext. James Scott Connors (n. 2 sep. 1952, East St. Louis, Ill., EE.UU.). Tenista estadounidense. En 1974 ganó tres de los cuatro torneos del Grand Slam (los abiertos de EE.UU. y Australia y Wimbledon), pero fue excluido del Abierto de Francia… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Connors — /ˈkɒnəz/ (say konuhz) noun Jimmy (James Scott Connors), born 1952, US tennis player; Wimbledon champion 1974, 1982 …  

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