- corelate
/kawr"euh layt', kor"-/, v.t., corelated, corelating. Chiefly Brit.to correlate.[CO- + RELATE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
corelate — v. same as {correlate}. [Rare] Syn: correlate, correlate with. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corelate — cor·re·late || kÉ’rÉ™leɪt v. establish a mutual relation, connect; be mutually related, be connected … English contemporary dictionary
corelate — relocate … Anagrams dictionary
corelate — co·relate … English syllables
corelate — |kō+ transitive verb Etymology: back formation from corelation now chiefly Britain : to relate to each other : correlate * * * /kawr euh layt , kor /, v.t., corelated, corelating. Chiefly Brit. to correlate. [CO + RELATE] … Useful english dictionary
relocate — corelate … Anagrams dictionary
Patient registration — is the concept and set of methods needed to corelate the reference position of a virtual 3D dataset gathered by computer medical imaging with the reference position of the patient. This procedure is crucial in computer assisted surgery, in order… … Wikipedia
covarianţă — COVARIÁNŢĂ, covarianţe, s.f. Covariaţie. [pr.: ri an ] – Din engl. co variance. Trimis de LauraGellner, 30.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 covariánţă s. f. → varianţă Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic COVARIÁNŢĂ s.f. (Statist.) … Dicționar Român
National security — Security measures taken to protect the Houses of Parliament in London, UK. These heavy blocks of concrete are designed to prevent a car bomb or other device being rammed into the building. National security is the requirement to maintain the… … Wikipedia
Papal conclave, April 1555 — Papal conclave of April 1555 (April 5 – April 9) was a papal conclave convoked after the death of Pope Julius III. Elected as his successor Cardinal Marcello Cervini, who took the name of Marcellus II, being the last pope in the history who… … Wikipedia