
/koohn"hownd'/, n.
1. See coon dog.
2. a hound of any of several breeds developed esp. for hunting raccoons. Cf. black and tan coonhound, bluetick, Plott hound, redbone, Walker hound.
[1915-20, Amer.; COON + HOUND1]

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breed of dog
 any of several breeds of dogs (dog) used primarily in hunting raccoons by scent. Coonhounds are noted for the melodious quality of their voices. The black and tan coonhound was bred in the United States from strains of bloodhound and black and tan foxhound. It is a short-haired, bloodhoundlike dog standing 23 to 27 inches (58 to 68.5 cm) and having a glossy black-and-tan coat. It has the general appearance of a strong, alert dog and is able to withstand rigorous weather and terrain. It is known for its skill and perseverance in tracking deer, bears, and mountain lions, as well as raccoons.

      The redbone, bluetick, Plott (named for its breeder), and treeing walker are other breeds of coonhounds, all standing about 21 to 26 inches (53 to 66 cm) tall. The redbone, a reddish-brown dog, is generally a strong, determined hunter and is valued for trailing big game as well as raccoons. The bluetick is mottled blue-gray with black and reddish brown markings; it is characterized as a swift, active, and diligent hunter. The Plott hound, typically an alert, confident hunter, is brindle, with or without a black saddle marking on its back. The treeing walker, descended from the American foxhound, is white with black-and-tan markings; it is considered a swift, able hunter.

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