- cony
/koh"nee, kun"ee/, n., pl. conies.1. the fur of a rabbit, esp. when dyed to simulate Hudson seal.2. the daman or other hyrax of the same genus.3. the pika.4. a rabbit.5. Obs. a person who is easily tricked; gull; dupe.Also, coney.[1150-1200; ME, back formation from conyes < OF conis, pl. of conil < L cuniculus rabbit, burrow, a word said to be of Iberian orig., according with evidence that the rabbit spread through Europe from NW Africa and the Iberian Peninsula]
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or coneyAny of certain unrelated animals, including two mammals and two fishes.One mammalian cony is more commonly called a pika. The name cony was once applied to the rabbit and is still sometimes used in the fur business to indicate rabbit fur. The cony of the Old World and the Bible is an unrelated mammal, the hyrax. A variety of whitefish is also called cony, as are certain varieties of sea bass.* * *
any of certain unrelated animals, including two mammals and two fishes.The mammalian cony is a small, guinea pig-like relative to the rabbit; it is more commonly known by the name pika (q.v.). The name cony was once applied to the rabbit and is still sometimes used in the fur business to indicate rabbit fur. The cony of the Old World and of the Bible is an unrelated mammal, the hyrax (q.v.).A variety of whitefish (q.v.), sometimes called inconnu, or sheefish, is also called cony, as are certain varieties of sea bass (q.v.).* * *
Universalium. 2010.