
continentally, adv.
/kon'tn en"tl/, adj.
1. of or of the nature of a continent.
2. (usually cap.) of or pertaining to the mainland of Europe, to Europeans, or to European customs and attitudes.
3. (cap.) of or pertaining to the 13 original American colonies during and immediately after the American Revolution.
4. of or pertaining to the continent of North America.
5. (cap.) a soldier of the Continental Army in the American Revolution.
6. a piece of paper currency issued by the Continental Congress during the American Revolution.
7. a small amount: advice that's not worth a continental.
8. an inhabitant of a continent.
9. (usually cap.) an inhabitant of the mainland of Europe.
[1750-60; CONTINENT + -AL1]

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(as used in expressions)

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  • continental — 1818 as a purely geographical term, from CONTINENT (Cf. continent) + AL (Cf. al) (1). In reference to the European mainland (as opposed to Great Britain), recorded from 1760. Continental breakfast (the kind eaten on the continent as opposed to… …   Etymology dictionary

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