
/kon"solz, keuhn solz"/, Sometimes, consol.
the funded government securities of Great Britain that originated in the consolidation in 1751 of various public securities, chiefly in the form of annuities, into a single debt issue without maturity.
Also called bank annuities.
[short for consolidated annuities]

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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(of the English Government)

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  • Consols — (originally short for consolidated annuities, but can now be taken to mean consolidated stock) are a form of British government bond (gilt), dating originally from the 18th century. Consols are considered one of the rare examples of an actual… …   Wikipedia

  • Consols — Consols, englische Staatspapiere. Diese 3% C. (Consolidirte Annuitäten, Three per cent consols, od. Consolidated annuities) bilden den Haupttheil der englischen Staatsschuld u. sind die an der Londoner Börse am häufigsten vorkommenden Effecten,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Consols — Con sols (? or ?; 277), n. pl. [A contraction of consolidated (annuities).] The leading British funded government security. [1913 Webster] Note: A considerable part of the public debt of Great Britian, which had been contracted in the form of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Consols — (engl.), s. Konsols …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Consols —   [kən sɔlz, englisch], Konsols [kən sɔlz], Singular Consọl der, s, Kurzwort für Consolidated stocks [kən sɔlɪdeɪtɪd stɔks], Typ von langfristigen Staatsanleihen, deren Ausgabe der Umwandlung (Konsolidierung) kurzfristiger in langfristige… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • consols — (izg. kȍnsols) m DEFINICIJA bank. konsolidirane obveznice; izdaju se prilikom konverzije starih zajmova u jedan novi ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • consols — [kän′sälz΄, kən sälz′] pl.n. [< consolidated annuities] British government securities, esp. those established in 1751 by the consolidation of nine loans …   English World dictionary

  • consols — See consolidated stock. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary Consols are British bonds that have no specified maturity date and pay a coupon forever. London Stock Exchange Glossary * * * Consols Con‧sols [ˈkɒnsɒlz, kənˈsɒlz ǁ… …   Financial and business terms

  • consols — British government securities without redemption date and with fixed annual interest. Etymology: abbr. of consolidated annuities * * * plural of consol * * * /kon solz, keuhn solz /, Sometimes, consol. the funded government securities …   Useful english dictionary

  • CONSOLS —    the Consolidated Fund, loans to Government made at different times and at different rates of interest, consolidated for convenience into one common loan, bearing interest at 3 per cent., reduced in 1830 to 2¾, and in 1893 to 2½ …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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