Consciousness raising — (often abbreviated c.r. or CR) is a form of political activism, pioneered by United States feminists in the late 1960s. It often takes the form of a group of people attempting to focus the attention of a wider group of people on some cause or… … Wikipedia
consciousness raising — consciousness .raising n [U] the process of making people understand and care more about a moral, social, or political problem, especially by giving them information … Dictionary of contemporary English
consciousness-raising — ☆ consciousness raising [kän′shəs nisrā΄ziŋ ] n. the process of seeking, esp. through group sessions, to increase awareness of one s role, attitudes, needs, etc. in connection with the personal, social, sexual, etc. problems of modern life … English World dictionary
consciousness-raising — ¦ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun : an increasing of concerned awareness especially of some social or political issue * * * noun [noncount] : the process of making people understand and be interested in important social or political issues often… … Useful english dictionary
consciousness raising — N UNCOUNT: oft N n Consciousness raising is the process of developing awareness of an unfair situation, with the aim of making people want to help in changing it. ...consciousness raising groups … English dictionary
Consciousness-Raising — Con|scious|ness Rai|sing [ kɔnʃəsnisreiziŋ] das; [s], s <aus engl. consciousness raising, eigtl. »Bewusstseinshebung«> Form der ↑Psychotherapie, die dem Behandelten zur Bewusstseinserweiterung verhilft … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
consciousness-raising — /ˈkɒnʃəsnəs reɪzɪŋ/ (say konshuhsnuhs rayzing) adjective intended to raise one s consciousness …
consciousness-raising — noun Date: 1968 an increasing of concerned awareness especially of some social or political issue … New Collegiate Dictionary
consciousness-raising — con|scious|ness rais|ing [ kanʃəsnəs ,reızıŋ ] noun singular or uncount the process of gaining more knowledge and understanding of moral, political, or social issues … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
consciousness raising — noun (U) the process of making people understand and care more about a moral, social, or political problem … Longman dictionary of contemporary English