- conscientious objection
refusal on moral or religious grounds to bear arms in a military conflict or to serve in the armed forces.[1895-1900]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
conscientious objection — con·scien·tious objection /ˌkän chē en chəs / n: objection on moral or religious grounds (as to military service or bearing arms) conscientious objector n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
conscientious objection — Conscientious objection to military service was not recognized during the Franco regime. The constitution of 1978 makes provision for exemption from conscription on conscientious grounds, and allows those exempted to substitute civilian social … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
conscientious objection — noun : objection on moral or religious grounds (as to service in the armed forces or to bearing arms) * * * conscientious objector. refusal on moral or religious grounds to bear arms in a military conflict or to serve in the armed forces. [1895… … Useful english dictionary
conscientious objection — a refusal to behave in certain generally accepted ways because they run counter to one s personal values, which are sometimes based on religious belief. A doctor can legally refuse to perform an abortion on the grounds of a conscientious… … The new mediacal dictionary
Conscientious objection to military taxation — (COMT) is a legal theory (with at least one historical precedent) that attempts to extend into the realm of taxation the concessions to conscientious objectors that many governments allow in the case of conscription thereby allowing conscientious … Wikipedia
Conscientious objection in East Germany — There was a high level of conscientious objection in East Germany. Contents 1 Introduction of conscription 2 Baueinheiten 3 Reasons for the NVA s lack of tolerance of conscientious objectors … Wikipedia
conscientious objection — noun Date: 1775 objection on moral or religious grounds (as to service in the armed forces or to bearing arms) … New Collegiate Dictionary
conscientious objection — refusal to serve in the military on moral or religious grounds; noncompliance on moral or religious grounds … English contemporary dictionary
conscientious objection — Совести возражение … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
conscientious objection — conscien′tious objec′tion n. cvb refusal on moral or religious grounds to bear arms in a military conflict or to serve in the armed forces • Etymology: 1895–1900 conscien′tious objec′tor, n … From formal English to slang