- Connolly
/kon"l ee/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Connolly — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Bernard Connolly, britischer Finanzanalyst Billy Connolly (* 1942), schottischer Komiker Bobby Connolly (1897–1944), US amerikanischer Choreograf und Filmregisseur Brett Connolly (* 1992), kanadischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Connolly — may refer to: Connolly, Western Australia, a suburb in Perth, Western Australia Connolly, County Clare, Ireland Dublin Connolly railway station in Dublin, Ireland People Connolly (surname) John Connolly (disambiguation), many people See also Ó… … Wikipedia
Connolly — Connolly, James … Enciclopedia Universal
Connolly — Connolly, Maureen (1934 69) a US tennis player who in 1953 became the first woman to win the Wimbledon, US, and French ↑championships in one year … Dictionary of contemporary English
Connolly — Patronyme irlandais. C est une forme anglicisée du gaélique O Conghalaigh (= le descendant de Conghalach, nom de personne ayant le sens de vaillant ) … Noms de famille
Connolly — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Connolly peut désigner : Patronyme Connolly est un nom de famille notamment porté par : Billy Connolly (né en 1942), humoriste, acteur,… … Wikipédia en Français
Connolly — noun United States tennis player who was the first woman to win the United States, British, French, and Australian championships in the same year (1953) (1934 1969) • Syn: ↑Maureen Catherine Connolly, ↑Little Mo Connolly • Instance Hypernyms:… … Useful english dictionary
Connolly — This is an Anglicized form of the Old Gaelic O Conghaile . The Gaelic prefix O indicates male descendant of , plus the personal byname Conghaile , from con , a hound and gal , valour; hence descendant(s) of the Hound of Valour . The O Conghailes… … Surnames reference
Connolly (surname) — Connolly is a common Irish surname. Following is a list of notable people with the surname Connolly: Alan Connolly (born 1939), Australian cricketer Billy Connolly (born 1942), Scottish comedian Brian Connolly (born 1945), vocalist for band Sweet … Wikipedia
Connolly, Inc — Connolly, Inc. Type Private Founded Atlant … Wikipedia