- comsymp
a person who sympathizes with communists.[1960-65; com(munist) symp(athizer)]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
comsymp — noun A Communist sympathizer; a liberal. Personally, I think hes a comsymp. Or close. Thats why I never had much enthusiasm for being on it, great as you all seem to think it is … Wiktionary
comsymp — noun Etymology: communist + sympathizer Date: circa 1961 usually disparaging a person sympathetic to Communist causes … New Collegiate Dictionary
comsymp — com·symp … English syllables
comsymp — com•symp [[t]ˈkɒmˌsɪmp[/t]] n. (sometimes cap.) Disparaging. cvb gov sts a person who sympathizes with communists • Etymology: 1960–65; com(munist) symp(athizer) … From formal English to slang
comsymp — ˈkämˌsimp noun ( s) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: communist (I) + sympathizer : a person who sympathizes with communist causes usually used disparagingly * * * /kom simp /, n. (sometimes cap.) Disparaging. a person who sympathizes with… … Useful english dictionary
Clipping (morphology) — In linguistics, clipping is the word formation process which consists in the reduction of a word to one of its parts (Marchand:1969). Clipping is also known as truncation or shortening. According to Marchand (1969)[1], clippings are not coined as … Wikipedia