
/kawonn pyen"yeu/, n.
a city in N France, on the Oise River: nearby were signed the armistices between the Allies and Germany 1918, and between Germany and France 1940. 40,720.

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      town, Oise département, Picardy région, northern France. It lies along the Oise River, at the northwest edge of the forest of Compiègne.

      Of Roman origin, it was referred to in 557 as Compendium, a name derived from a word meaningshort cut” (between Beauvais and Soissons). The town flourished in the Middle Ages and was the site of assemblies and councils under the Merovingian kings. In 833 Louis the Pious was deposed there. Charles II the Bald enlarged the town and founded the Abbey of Saint-Corneille, now the home of the municipal library. Compiègne became a commune in 1153, and a monument to Joan of Arc commemorates her capture there by the Burgundians in 1430.

 The town's focal point is the Hôtel de Ville (town hall), a late Gothic structure with a belfry in its facade. Churches dedicated to Saint-Antoine and Saint-Jacques date from the 13th to the 16th century; the former is noted for its windows. In the 18th century, Louis XV built a palace in Compiègne that was later restored by Napoleon I and is now used as an art museum (see photograph—>). The palace itself has been the scene of numerous historical events: the welcoming of Marie-Louise of Austria by Napoleon, the entertainment of the emperor Alexander I of Russia by Louis XVIII, and the marriage of Leopold I, king of the Belgians, to Marie-Louise of Orléans in 1832. Under Napoleon III the palace was the residence of the court during the hunting season.

      Compiègne was the headquarters of the invading German army in the Franco-German War of 187071 and was occupied by the Germans again in World War I. The Armistice was signed on Nov. 11, 1918, in Marshal Ferdinand Foch's personal railway coach on a siding just northeast of the town. The coach was preserved as a monument, and on June 22, 1940, during World War II, the Franco-German armistice was signed in it, in Adolf Hitler's presence. The Germans removed the coach to Germany but destroyed it in April 1945 to prevent its recovery by the advancing Allies.

      Compiègne is now an important tourist centre. Its varied industries include pharmaceuticals, metal founding, and the manufacture of soap, glass, machinery, and automobile tires. It also has an expanding technical university. Pop. (1999) city, 41,254; urban area, 108,234; (2004 est.) city, 42,300.

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