
/keuhm pat"euh beuhl/, adj.
1. capable of existing or living together in harmony: the most compatible married couple I know.
2. able to exist together with something else: Prejudice is not compatible with true religion.
3. consistent; congruous (often fol. by with): His claims are not compatible with the facts.
4. Computers.
a. (of software) capable of being run on another computer without change.
b. (of hardware) capable of being connected to another device without the use of special equipment or software.
5. Electronics. (of a device, signal, etc.) capable of being used with equipment in a system without the need for special modification or conversion.
6. noting a system of television in which color broadcasts can be received on ordinary sets in black and white.
7. something, as a machine or piece of electronic equipment, that is designed to perform the same tasks as another, often in the same way and using virtually identical parts, programmed instructions, etc.: Software written for one computer will probably run on its close compatibles.
[1425-75; late ME < ML compatibilis, deriv. of LL compati (L com- COM- + pati to suffer, undergo). See -IBLE]

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  • compatible — [ kɔ̃patibl ] adj. et n. m. • 1396; lat. compati « sympathiser » → compatir ♦ Qui peut s accorder avec autre chose, exister en même temps. ⇒ conciliable. Des caractères compatibles. La fonction de préfet n est pas compatible avec celle de député …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • compatible — [kəm pat′ə bəl] adj. [ME & ML compatibilis < LL(Ec) compati: see COMPASSION] 1. a) capable of living together harmoniously or getting along well together (with) b) in agreement; congruent (with) 2. a) that can work well together, get along… …   English World dictionary

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  • compatible — mid 15c., from M.Fr. compatible (15c.), from M.L. compatibilis, from L.L. compati (see COMPASSION (Cf. compassion)). Related: Compatibility …   Etymology dictionary

  • compatible — adjetivo 1. Que puede coexistir o armonizar con otra cosa u otra persona: Son muy compatibles el uno con el otro. Mi trabajo no es compatible con mis aficiones porque no me deja tiempo libre. Tenemos que hacer compatibles nuestros horarios.… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • compatible — Compatible. adj. de tout genre. Qui peut compatir avec un autre. Ces deux humeurs là ne sont pas compatibles l une avec l autre. Il se dit plus ordinairement de deux charges, de deux benefices, &c. & alors il signifie, Qui peut estre possedé,… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • compatible — ► ADJECTIVE 1) able to exist or be used together without problems or conflict. 2) (of two people) able to have a harmonious relationship; well suited. 3) (usu. compatible with) consistent or in keeping. DERIVATIVES compatibility noun compatibly… …   English terms dictionary

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  • compatible — COMPATIBLE. adj. des 2 g. Qui peut compatir avec un autre. Ces deus caractères, ces deux esprits là ne sent pas compatibles. [b]f♛/b] Il se dit aussi d Un Bénéfice qui peut être possédé avec un autre, et d une Charge qui peut être exercée avec… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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