
commendable, adj.commendableness, n.commendably, adv.commender, n.commendingly, adv.
/keuh mend"/, v.t.
1. to present, mention, or praise as worthy of confidence, notice, kindness, etc.; recommend: to commend a friend to another; to commend an applicant for employment.
2. to entrust; give in charge; deliver with confidence: I commend my child to your care.
3. to cite or name with approval or special praise: to commend a soldier for bravery.
4. Feudal Law. to place (oneself or one's land) under another's protection so as to become his vassal.
5. Archaic. to recommend (a person) to the kind remembrance of another.
[1350-1400; ME commenden < L commendare, equiv. to com- COM- + -mendare, comb. form of mandare; see MANDATE]
Syn. 1. acclaim, laud, extol. See approve. 2. commit, consign, relegate, convey.
Ant. 1. censure.

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