
/kol'euhm bair"ee euhm/, n., pl. columbaria /-bair"ee euh/.
1. a sepulchral vault or other structure with recesses in the walls to receive the ashes of the dead.
2. any one of these recesses.
3. columbary.
[1840-50; < L: lit., a nesting box for pigeons, equiv. to columb(a) pigeon, dove + -arium -ARY]

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▪ funerary art
      sepulchral building containing many small niches for cinerary urns. The term is derived from the Latin columba (“dove,” or “pigeon”), and it originally referred to a pigeon house or dovecote. It later acquired its more common meaning by association.

      Columbaria were common during the early Roman Empire, when cremation was normal practice. They were usually erected and supervised by funeral societies to which most of the lower and middle classes in Rome belonged. Originating as variants of traditional Etruscan and republican Roman house tombs, columbaria were ordinarily rectangular brick structures built around an open court, the walls of which contained niches for the urns. Some columbaria were very elaborate, and their numerous inscriptions, stucco paintings, and mosaics provide information about the otherwise almost totally forgotten life of the lower classes in antiquity. Perhaps the best examples of columbaria are those in the great necropolis discovered in 1915 beneath the Basilica of San Sebastiano in Rome.

      When in Hadrian's time (AD 117–138) inhumation replaced cremation, columbaria became obsolete. They did not reappear until the 20th-century revival of cremation.

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