- collusive
/keuh looh"siv/, adj.involving collusion; fraudulently contrived by agreement: a collusive agreement to increase prices.[1665-75; COLLUS(ION) + -IVE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
collusive — col‧lu‧sive [kəˈluːsɪv] adjective [only before a noun] collusive activities are ones in which people or businesses share information or secretly make arrangements among themselves to get an unfair advantage: • US companies feel they have been… … Financial and business terms
Collusive — Col*lu sive, a. 1. Characterized by collusion; done or planned in collusion. Collusive and sophistical arguings. J. Trapp. Collusive divorces. Strype. [1913 Webster] 2. Acting in collusion. Collusive parties. Burke. {Col*lu sive*ly}, adv. {Col*lu … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
collusive — I adjective artful, beguiling, calculating, clandestine, confidential, connivant, conniving, conspirational, conspirative, conspiratorial, conspiring, covinous, cunning, deceitful, deceptive, defrauding, designing, fraudulent, furtive, guileful,… … Law dictionary
collusive — 1670s, from L. collus , pp. stem of colludere (see COLLUDE (Cf. collude)) + IVE (Cf. ive) … Etymology dictionary
collusive — [[t]kəlu͟ːsɪv[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n (disapproval) Collusive behaviour involves secret or illegal co operation, especially between countries or organizations. [FORMAL] Any evidence of collusive behaviour by the banks could be sent to the… … English dictionary
collusive — /kəˈlusɪv/ (say kuh loohsiv) adjective involving collusion; fraudulently concerted: a collusive treaty. –collusively, adverb –collusiveness, noun …
collusive — collusion ► NOUN ▪ secret cooperation in order to cheat or deceive. DERIVATIVES collusive adjective … English terms dictionary
collusive tendering — ➔ tendering * * * collusive tendering UK US noun [U] (also collusive bidding) LAW ► a situation in which companies share information illegally among themselves when offering to supply goods or services, in order to control the price: »Collusive… … Financial and business terms
collusive action — n. A lawsuit brought by people who do not actually have a grievance in order to see how the court will rule or to establish a precedent; courts will not hear collusive actions because they have no real controversy. The Essential Law Dictionary.… … Law dictionary
collusive joinder — see joinder Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary