- collapsar
/keuh lap"sahr/, n. Astron.[1970-75; COLLAPSE + -ar, extracted from PULSAR, QUASAR, etc.]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Collapsar — En astrophysique, un collapsar désigne le modèle théorique généralement le plus accepté parmi les astrophysiciens et qui décrit une étoile massive, certainement une étoile Wolf Rayet, qui s effondre et forme un sursaut gamma, puis probablement un … Wikipédia en Français
collapsar — noun The black hole thought to form following the gravitational collapse of a massive star … Wiktionary
collapsar — [kə lapsα:] noun Astronomy an old star that has collapsed under its own gravity to form a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole. Origin late 20th cent.: from collapse, on the pattern of words such as pulsar … English new terms dictionary
collapsar — col·lap·sar … English syllables
collapsar — /kəˈlæpsa/ (say kuh lapsah) noun a star which exhausts its fuel and then collapses, creating a black hole. {collaps(e) + ar, modelled on quasar, pulsar} …
collapsar — n. Astron. = black hole 1 … Useful english dictionary
Saut collapsar — Le saut collapsar désigne une technologie de voyage instantané dans le roman de science fiction intitulée La Guerre éternelle. En projetant un objet à une vitesse voulue sur un collapsar, il ressort en un autre point de la galaxie. L objet suit… … Wikipédia en Français
The Forever War (graphic novel) — The Forever War Cover of Volume I. The style and art quality of the cover are representative of the actual graphic novel. Mandella is standing in the foreground Publication information Pub … Wikipedia
Gamma ray burst progenitors — are the types of celestial objects that can emit gamma ray bursts (GRBs). GRBs show an extraordinary degree of diversity. They can last anywhere from a fraction of a second to many minutes. Bursts could have a single profile or oscillate wildly… … Wikipedia
Gamma ray burst — [ GRB 990123 taken on January 23, 1999. The burst is seen as a bright dot denoted by a square on the left, with an enlarged cutout on the right. The object above it with the finger like filaments is the originating galaxy. This galaxy seems to be … Wikipedia