
colicky, adj.
/kol"ik/, Pathol., Vet. Pathol.
1. paroxysmal pain in the abdomen or bowels.
2. pertaining to or affecting the colon or the bowels.
[1400-50; late ME colike ( < MF colique) < L colica (passio) (suffering) of the colon < Gk kolikós, equiv. to kól(on) COLON2 + -ikos -IC]

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Any sudden, violent pain, especially that produced by contraction of the muscular walls of a hollow organ whose opening is partly or completely blocked.

In infants, intestinal colic is characterized by drawing up of the legs, restlessness, and constant crying. Colic may accompany enteritis (intestinal inflammation) or an intestinal tumour, as well as certain forms of influenza. Colic caused by spastic bowel contractions is common in lead poisoning. Treatment, aimed at symptom relief, often includes use of a muscle relaxant.

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▪ equine disease
      in horses, any of a number of disease conditions that are associated with clinical signs of abdominal pain. Horses are especially susceptible to colic related to digestive tract problems, and death occurs in about 11 percent of affected animals. Signs include pawing the ground, kicking at the abdomen, and rolling from side to side. Anatomical features of the equine digestive tract such as marked variations in the diameter of the large colon and limited attachment of the large colon to the body wall predispose the horse to colic by increasing the potential for blockage of the digestive tract with ingested material (impaction) and twisting of the tract. Dietary changes are a significant factor influencing incidence of colic. More than 70 causes of colic have been identified, which makes it difficult to determine the cause in individual cases. Treatment may involve use of drugs for pain relief, oral administration of mineral oil to soften impaction, and surgery.

John M. Bowen

      pain produced by the contraction of the muscular walls of any hollow organ, such as the renal pelvis, the biliary tract, or the gastrointestinal tract, of which the aperture has become more or less blocked, temporarily or otherwise. In infants (childhood disease and disorder), usually those who are bottle-fed, intestinal colic is common and is shown by the drawing up of the infant's legs, restlessness, and continuous crying. Colic may accompany any form of enteritis or an intestinal tumour, as well as certain forms of influenza. Colic caused by spastic contractions of the bowel is a common symptom of lead poisoning. Treatment for colic depends on the cause and is aimed at relief of symptoms; it often includes the administration of a muscle relaxant such as atropine and, occasionally, meperidine hydrochloride (marketed as Demerol™).

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  • Colic — Col ic, a. 1. Of or pertaining to colic; affecting the bowels. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the colon; as, the colic arteries. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • colic — (n.) disease characterized by severe abdominal pain, early 15c., from L.L. colicus pertaining to colic, from Gk. kolikos, belonging to the kolon lower intestine (see COLON (Cf. colon) (2)). The word was used in English late 14c. as an adjective,… …   Etymology dictionary

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