
/kod'euh sil"euh ree/, adj.
of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a codicil.
[1720-30; CODICIL + -ARY]

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  • codicil — noun Etymology: Middle English codicill, from Anglo French *codicille, from Latin codicillus, diminutive of codic , codex Date: 15th century 1. a legal instrument made to modify an earlier will 2. appendix, supplement • codicillary ad …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • codicil — [ kɒdɪsɪl, kəʊ ] noun an addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or part of one. Derivatives codicillary ˌkɒdɪ sɪləri adjective Origin ME: from L. codicillus, dimin. of codex (see codex) …   English new terms dictionary

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