- coated pit
Cell Biol.a clathrin-lined depression in the outer surface of a cell membrane, formed of receptors and their specific ligands, that becomes a coated vesicle upon endocytosis.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
coated pit — First stage in the formation of a coated vesicle … Dictionary of molecular biology
coated pit — Cell Biol. a clathrin lined depression in the outer surface of a cell membrane, formed of receptors and their specific ligands, that becomes a coated vesicle upon endocytosis … Useful english dictionary
coated vesicle — Vesicle formed as an invagination of the plasma membrane (a coated pit), and that is surrounded by a basket of clathrin. Associated with receptor mediated pinocytosis and receptor recycling … Dictionary of molecular biology
coated vesicle — Cell Biol. a clathrin covered vesicle that forms from the closure of a coated pit, engulfing the ligand receptor complex in endocytosis. * * * … Universalium
coated vesicle — Cell Biol. a clathrin covered vesicle that forms from the closure of a coated pit, engulfing the ligand receptor complex in endocytosis … Useful english dictionary
pit — 1. SYN: fovea. 2. One of the pinhead sized depressed scars following the pustule of acne, chickenpox, or smallpox (pockmark). 3. A sharp pointed depression in the enamel surface of a tooth, due to faulty or incomplete … Medical dictionary
pit — Region of the plant cell wall in which the secondary wall is interrupted, exposing the underlying primary cell wall. One or more plasmodesmata are usually present in the primary wall, communicating with the other half of a pit pair. May be simple … Dictionary of molecular biology
froth pit — noun : a minute depression in the surface of a coated paper caused by froth in the coating mixture used … Useful english dictionary
Endocytic cycle — Most animal cells take up portions of their surface plasma membranes in a process called endocytosis. The main route of endocytosis is the coated pit which buds into a cell to form a cytoplasmic vesicle a clathrin coated vesicle. The membrane so… … Wikipedia
Endocytosis — is a process where cells absorb material (molecules such as proteins) from the outside by engulfing it with their cell membrane. It is used by all cells of the body because most substances important to them are large polar molecules, and thus… … Wikipedia