- clip
—clippable, adj.v.t.1. to cut, or cut off or out, as with shears: to clip a rose from a bush.2. to trim by cutting: to clip a hedge.3. to cut or trim the hair or fleece of; shear: to clip a poodle.5. to cut short; curtail: We clipped our visit by a week to return home earlier.6. to pronounce rapidly, with precise articulation and with omission of certain sounds, as of unstressed vowels: an annoying habit of clipping his words.7. to shorten (a word or phrase) by dropping one or more syllables.8. Informal. to hit with a quick, sharp blow: He clipped him on the jaw with a sudden punch.9. Slang. to take or get money from by dishonest means; swindle; rook.v.i.10. to clip or cut something.11. to cut articles or pictures from a newspaper, magazine, etc.12. to move swiftly: He clipped along the highway on his motorcycle.13. Archaic. to fly rapidly.n.14. the act of clipping.15. anything clipped off, esp. the wool shorn at a single shearing of sheep.16. the amount of wool shorn in one season.17. clips, (used with a pl. v.) an instrument for clipping; shears.20. Informal. a quick, sharp blow: a clip on the jaw.21. rate; pace: at a rapid clip.[1150-1200; ME clippen < ON klippa to clip, cut]clip2n.1. a device that grips and holds tightly.2. a metal or plastic clasp for holding together papers, letters, etc.4. an article of jewelry or other decoration clipped onto clothing, shoes, hats, etc.5. a flange on the upper surface of a horseshoe.6. Also called lug. Shipbuilding. a short length of angle iron connecting and maintaining the angle between two members or surfaces.7. Archaic. an embrace.v.t., v.i.8. to grip tightly; fasten with or as if with a clip.9. to encircle; encompass.10. Football. to block by illegally throwing the body across a player's legs from behind.11. Archaic. to embrace or hug.[bef. 900; ME clippen, OE clyppan to embrace, surround; c. OFris kleppa]
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Universalium. 2010.