- class consciousness
1. awareness of one's own social or economic rank in society.2. a feeling of identification and solidarity with those belonging to the same social or economic class as oneself.[1885-90]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
class consciousness — n. an awareness of belonging to a class in the social order, with definite economic interests; sense of class solidarity class conscious adj … English World dictionary
class consciousness — n [U] technical knowledge and understanding of the class system, and of your own and other people s social class … Dictionary of contemporary English
Class consciousness — Part of a series on Marxism … Wikipedia
class consciousness — In the transition from a ‘class in itself’ (a category of people having a common relation to the means of production) to a ‘class for itself’ (a stratum organized in active pursuit of its own interests ) the emphasis in Marxist analysis has been… … Dictionary of sociology
Class Consciousness — Classes, according to Karl Marx, inevitably develop their own identity, interests and outlook. Class consciousness is the development of an awareness of belonging to a class, of that class’s interest and its enemy. The proletariat, although… … Historical dictionary of Marxism
class consciousness — class′ con′sciousness n. 1) soc awareness of one s own social or economic rank 2) soc a feeling of identification and solidarity with those belonging to the same social or economic class as oneself • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
class-consciousness — class conˈsciousness noun • • • Main Entry: ↑class … Useful english dictionary
class consciousness — noun awareness of one s place in a system of social class, especially (in Marxist terms) as it relates to the class struggle. Derivatives class conscious adjective … English new terms dictionary
class consciousness — A Marxist term denoting an accurate awareness of social class interests and a willingness to pursue them. A class conscious grouping in society is one which is concerned to acknowledge and advance its own distinctive interests, often seeing… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics
class consciousness — awareness of the differences between the classes (lower class, upper class, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary