
/klam"bayk'/, n.
1. a picnic or social gathering at the seashore at which clams and other seafood are baked, sometimes with corn and other items, traditionally on hot stones under a covering of seaweed.
2. Informal. any social gathering, esp. a very noisy one.
[1825-35, Amer.; CLAM1 + BAKE]

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seafood picnic
      seafood picnic traditional in the New England region of the United States. Early settlers on the Atlantic Coast adopted and elaborated the practice from the coastal Indians, who steamed shellfish over hot stones under a covering of seaweed. Clambakes, best undertaken on a large scale, have long been a feature of civic and fraternal celebrations in areas where clams, lobsters, and fish are abundant.

      Preparations for a clambake begin with the digging of a deep pit on the beach. The pit is lined with stones upon which a wood fire burns for several hours to heat the stones thoroughly. Clams, lobsters, fish, chickens, ears of sweet corn (maize), whole onions, and potatoes are placed on top of the stones. The food is covered with a thick layer of seaweed, which furnishes the aromatic steam in which the food cooks, and a tarpaulin to hold in the heat. The food is usually eaten out of doors at the site of the clambake.

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  • clambake — s.n. (Jaz) Întrunire de muzicieni de jaz, care cântă împreună fără a fi repetat în prealabil. ♦ (peior.) Întrunire improvizată a cărei calitate lasă de dorit, datorită lipsei de omogenitate şi de afinitate stilistică a muzicienilor. [pron. clem… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Clambake — Clam bake, n. The backing or steaming of clams on heated stones, between layers of seaweed; hence, a picnic party, gathered on such an occasion. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • clambake — 1835, from CLAM (Cf. clam) (n.) + BAKE (Cf. bake) …   Etymology dictionary

  • clambake — ☆ clambake [klam′bāk΄ ] n. 1. a feast or picnic, originally at the seashore, at which clams are steamed or baked with lobster, chicken, corn, etc., originally on heated stones under a covering of seaweed 2. the food so prepared 3. Informal any… …   English World dictionary

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  • clambake — UK [ˈklæmˌbeɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms clambake : singular clambake plural clambakes American a party by the sea at which people cook and eat clams …   English dictionary

  • clambake — noun Date: 1835 1. a. an outdoor party; especially a seashore outing where food is usually cooked on heated rocks covered by seaweed b. the food served at a clambake 2. a gathering characterized by noisy sociability; especially …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • clambake — 1. noun a beach party in which clams and other food are cooked in a pit dug in the sand; the clams are cooked on hot stones and are covered with seaweed 2. adjective fig. attrib. informal, makeshift, sloppy not in their Ivy privilege or clambake… …   Wiktionary

  • Clambake (album) — Clambake Soundtrack album by Elvis Presley Released October 10, 1967 …   Wikipedia

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