Ciudad Guayana

Ciudad Guayana
/syooh dhahdh" gwah yah"nah/.
See Santo Tomé de Guayana.

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formerly Santo Tomé de Guayana

City (pop., 2000 est.: 704,168), Venezuela.

Located at the confluence of the Caroní and Orinoco rivers in the Guiana Highlands, the city site was first settled in 1576. An amalgamation of several cities, Ciudad Guayana is a planned community founded by the state assembly in 1961. It has forestry, diamond mining, and paper and pulp enterprises.

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formerly  Santo Tomé De Guayana  

      city and industrial port complex, northeastern Bolívar estado (state), Venezuela, at the confluence of the Caroní and Orinoco rivers in the Guiana Highlands. Taking its name from the Guiana (Guayana) region, the traditional designation of Bolívar state, it was founded by the state assembly in 1961, uniting Puerto Ordaz (the hub of the complex, 67 miles [108 km] east of Ciudad Bolívar), San Félix (a port on the Caroní), Matanzas (a steel centre), Caruachi, Castillito (theiron zone,” which includes El Pao, Cerro Bolívar, San Isidro, Palúa, and Ciudad Piar), El Callao gold mines, and the dams and hydroelectric plants of the Macagua and Guri rivers on the Caroní.

      The area was first claimed for Spain by the explorer Diego de Ordaz (1532). The original settlement of Santo Tomé de Guayana was founded (1576) on the Chirica tableland, where the Republicans in the war for independence defeated Spanish Royalists at the Battle of San Félix (1817).

      Ciudad Guayana was planned to accommodate separate residential, recreational, commercial, and industrial sectors, with facilities for expansion over an area with a 100-mile (160-kilometre) radius. In addition, 550 acres (223 hectares) between the great falls of the Caroní and the Macagua Dam were designated a natural park. The complex is administered by the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG), an economic planning commission established in 1960.

      The Angostura Bridge (completed 1967) across the Orinoco at Ciudad Bolívar (67 miles [108 km] west of Ciudad Guayana) is an important link between the Guiana region and the rest of the country. Ciudad Guayana also has forestry, diamond mining, refractory brick, and paper and pulp enterprises and has attracted numerous small industries. Pop. (2001) 629,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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