Cinque Ports

Cinque Ports
a former association of maritime towns in SE England: originally (1278) numbering five (Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover, and Sandwich) and receiving special privileges in return for aiding in the naval defense of England.
[1275-1325; ME cink pors < OF cink porz. See CINQUE, PORT1]

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Medieval confederation of English Channel ports, southeastern England.

To the original "five ports"
Hastings, New Romney, Hythe, Dover, and Sandwich
were later added Winchelsea and Rye. Probably first associated in the reign of Edward the Confessor (r. 104266) to defend the coast and cross-channel traffic, they were granted special privileges by the crown and in exchange provided the permanent nucleus of ships and men for the royal fleet. They declined in importance after the 14th century.

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historical towns, England, United Kingdom
FrenchFive Ports

      medieval confederation of English Channel ports in southeastern England, formed to furnish ships and men for the king's service. To the original five portsSandwich, Dover, Hythe, New Romney, and Hastingswere later added theancient townsof Winchelsea and Rye with the privileges ofhead ports.” More than 30 other towns in the counties of Kent and Sussex were also attached. Until the 14th century the Cinque Ports provided the permanent nucleus of the royal fleet. They were probably first associated in the reign (104266) of Edward the Confessor for the defense of the coast and cross-channel passage. After the Norman Conquest of 1066, their importance grew, and, in return for ship service, their privileges were increased to reach their zenith in the 13th and 14th centuries. They were first jointly granted liberties by charter in 1278. After the 14th century they lost their monopoly, and, although they continued to contribute to the navy, this function was unimportant by the time of the threat of invasion by the Spanish Armada in 1588. Their decline was accelerated by encroachment by the sea on the coastline and silting at other places, and today only Dover remains an important port.

      Most of their peculiar jurisdiction was abolished in 1855, and only jurisdiction in Admiralty survives. In addition to the towns named above, the other members of the confederation (known as limbs) are Lydd, Faversham, Folkestone, Deal, Tenterden, Margate, and Ramsgate, all in the county of Kent. The highest officer of the Cinque Ports is the lord warden, who is also constable of Dover Castle and has Walmer Castle as his official residence.

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  • Cinque Ports — [Cinque + port.] (Eng. Hist.) Five English ports, to which peculiar privileges were anciently accorded; viz., Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover, and Sandwich; afterwards increased by the addition of Winchelsea, Rye, and some minor places. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Cinque Ports — the Cinque Ports five sea ports in southeast England (Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover, and Sandwich) which, until 1685, had to provide ships for the British king or queen in order to protect the country from attack by sea …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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  • cinque ports — late 12c. (in Anglo Latin), late 13c. (in English), from L. quinque portus (see FIVE (Cf. five)). Hastings, Sandwich, Dover, Romney, and Hythe, granted special privileges from the crown in return for defense of the Channel in the days before… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Cinque Ports — Cinque′ Ports′ [[t]sɪŋk[/t]] n. pl. why a former association of maritime towns in SE England, consisting of Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover, and Sandwich, formed in 1278 to assist in the naval defense of England …   From formal English to slang

  • Cinque Ports — [siŋk] group of towns (orig. five: Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover, and Sandwich) on the SE coast of England: they formerly (11th 15th cent.) received privileges in return for providing naval defense at a time when England had no navy …   English World dictionary

  • Cinque Ports — For the galleon, see Cinque Ports (1703 ship). Location of the Cinque Ports and their limbs. The Confederation of Cinque Ports (pronounced sink ports, never as the French cinq) is a historic series of coastal towns in Kent and Sussex. It was… …   Wikipedia

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