
CinemaScopic /sin'euh meuh skop"ik/, adj.
/sin"euh meuh skohp'/
Motion Pictures, Trademark. a wide-screen process using anamorphic lenses in photographing and projecting the film.

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film-making process
      film-making process in which a motion picture is projected on a screen, with the width of the image two and a half times its height. The French physicist Henri Chrétien (18791956) invented the technique in the late 1920s by which a camera, with the addition of a special lens, cansqueezea wide picture onto standard 35-millimetre film. Then, by the use of a special projection lens, the image is restored to clarity and expanded onto a wide screen without distorting the proportions. The invention was ignored until the increasing incursion of television into the film-viewing market in the 1940s and '50s forced the industry to find new means of attracting audiences.

       Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation acquired the rights to CinemaScope and introduced it in its adaptation of the American author Lloyd C. Douglas' best-seller The Robe (1953). It used a three-track stereophonic sound system along with the wider screen. Other studios subsequently used the same basic technique under names such as SuperScope, WarnerScope, and Panavision. By the late 1950s most films released by the major film studios were filmed for projection on a wide screen, and most theatres were equipped to show these films.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • CinemaScope — was an anamorphic lens series used for shooting wide screen movies from 1953 to 1967. Its creation in 1953, by the president of 20th Century Fox, marked the beginning of the modern anamorphic format in both principal photography and movie… …   Wikipedia

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