
/chuk"wah'leuh/, n.
an iguanid lizard, Sauromalis obesus, of arid parts of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico, that feeds on desert plants.
[1865-70, Amer.; < California Sp chacahuala < Cahuilla cáxwal]

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      any of five species of stocky, slightly flattened lizards (lizard) belonging to the subfamily Iguaninae (family Iguanidae (iguanid)), found on arid, rocky hills of southwestern North America. The common chuckwalla (S. ater), which occurs in the southwestern United States, reaches 50 cm (20 inches) in length, but some of the species inhabiting islands in the Gulf of California (California, Gulf of) get much larger. All species of chuckwallas are predominantly herbivorous (herbivore), eating a variety of desert plants (plant), including leaves (leaf) of the creosote bush (Larrea tridentata). Because lizards cannot digest cellulose, the material in the cell walls of plants, chuckwallas have a rich gut flora of microorganisms that break down the cellulose, making the ingested plant material digestible. Chuckwallas also occasionally eat insects (insect). Most chuckwalla species seek refuge in crevices. A combination of small spiny scales (scale) on the dorsal surface and the ability to inflate their bodies render them very difficult to remove once they have wedged themselves in.

      The common chuckwalla is predominantly dull-coloured, usually brown or dark gray. The head, chest, and limbs of adult male chuckwallas are dark-coloured or black, whereas their backs are coloured red, black, or yellow. Juveniles of both sexes usually have dark-banded tails. Apparently resulting from a combination of genetic differences among populations and a history of variation in food supply, the body size of chuckwallas varies considerably from place to place.

Laurie Vitt

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Universalium. 2010.

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