
/kee'teuh roh"nay/; It. /kee'tahrdd rddaw"ne/, n., pl. chitarroni /-nee/.
an early musical stringed instrument of the lute family with a long neck and two pegboxes, one above the other.
[1730-40; < It, aug. of chitarra < Gk kithára lyre]

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      large bass lute, or archlute, developed in Rome about 1600. It was usually about 6 feet (less than 2 m) tall, with a normal lute body.

      The chitarrone had six to eight strings running over the fingerboard to a pegbox (the part of the instrument in which the tuning pegs are set) positioned midway in an extended neck. The instrument had six to eight additional bass strings, or diapasons, lying off the fingerboard and running to a second pegbox at the end of the neck. Having a sonority approaching that of the contemporary harpsichord, it was used as a basso continuo instrument in 17th-century chamber-music ensembles.

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